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佐渡市 能 開催情報
6/1 天領佐渡両津薪能(椎崎)
6/2 大膳神社薪能(竹田)
6/12 牛尾神社薪能(潟上)
6/15 草苅神社薪能(羽茂)
6/28 正法寺ろうそく能(泉)
7/3 日野公忌例祭奉納能(竹
​   田)    
7/6 天領佐渡両津薪能(椎崎)
7/14 春日神社薪能(相川)
8/18 世阿弥供養祭(金井能楽
8/25 加茂神社夜能(畑野)
9/7 天領佐渡両津薪能(椎崎)

5/19 佐渡ロングライド210
5/25~26 佐渡國鬼太鼓どっとこむ
6/7~8 宵の舞(相川)
6/9 かんぞう祭り(大野亀)
6/16 両津えびす祭り
6/中 ほたる祭り(新穂潟上)
6/30 茅の輪まつり(小木)
7/14 白山丸祭り(小木)
7/16 赤泊まつり 
7/20~21 オープンウォーター
7/27~28 鉱山祭り(相川)✨
7/27~28 夜のさざえ拾いと民謡鑑
8/3 赤泊港まつり✨
8/7~8 両津七夕祭り✨
8/11 獅子ヶ城まつり(佐和田✨
8/16~18 アースセレブレーション
8/24~25 小木港まつり✨
​9/1 佐渡トライアスロン大会✨
For reservations, please call or use OTA (  Expedia  Agoda).
If you make a reservation over the phone, you will receive a 10% discount from the prices listed below. (Payment in cash on site)
​Repeat customers will receive a ¥500 discount from each basic price. (Payment in cash on site)
Our guesthouse does not serve any meals! Stay overnight only.
​Please note that the shared bathroom can only be used as a shower!
​Sado is a very inconvenient place without a car. This location is far from the bus stop, so please come by car if possible. If you come by bus, there is a shuttle service to the bus stop (¥100~/person) or Ryotsu Port (¥800/person), but this may not be possible if the arrival time coincides with another customer's arrival time. We also have some, so please contact us in advance.
Figure 2.png
 両津港観光案内所 ・ 小木港下船口付近専用デスクにて受付
 両津港(12時集荷) → 指定ホテル(17時配達) ¥1,000
 小木港(9:50集荷) → 指定ホテル(17時配達) ¥1,000

​*For customers coming to Sado by car
The parking lot at Niigata Port is affiliated with Sado Kisen and can be rented for ¥800 per day. If you take your own car on the car ferry, it will be quite expensive, so make a reservation in advance at a rental car shop in Sado (you won't find cheap rental cars if you don't make a reservation early) and leave your car at Niigata Port. It is more reasonable.
​Main rental car shops in front of Ryotsu Port: Nico Nico Rental Car, Island Rental Car, TIMES
_22200000-0000-0000-0000-00000000000222 _ Feelless rental car, Sado Kisen rental car, Tokirenta car

Hands of farming, fishing, etc. while interacting with the nature of Sado

Why don't you take a break and refresh yourself?

Please spend time healed by roses and cats at the guest house.

(Please experience at least once during your stay.)


Currently, we are not doing farming experience to prevent the spread of new coronavirus infection. Instead, enjoy panoramic views of Sado's country from the rose garden in the backyard of the inn. You can also tour the fieldwork of the crested ibis
​The best time to see the rose garden is from the end of May to the middle of June.
Figure 3.png
Figure 1.png

-Room rates-

Only staying without meals, one night per person

Period Season Season Price
​3/1~3/16 (Winter) \4600
​3/17~5/6(Spring)   \4300
5/7~7/11 (Standard)\4000
7/12~8/31 (Top)      \4300
10/15~11/30 (Autumn) \4300
3/1~3/14(Winter) \4600
3/15-5/6 (Spring)   \4300
​ *If each OTA is offering a price discount for a promotion or campaign, the lowest price will be used!
​ *For stays of 5 consecutive nights or more, ¥300 will be discounted from each season rate from the first night.
​ (However, it cannot be used in conjunction with campaign plans or promotion plans)
*Only for repeat customers who make reservations by phone or email, we will offer a discount of ¥500 from each season's rate.

(One-way transfer ¥ 800 / person)

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